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Lorraine Dagenais

Artist participant in the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition
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Lorraine Dagenais lives and works in Montreal, and has been active in the Quebec artistic community since the 1980s. She has several solo exhibitions to her credit, both nationally and internationally, and a hundred group exhibitions in Quebec as well as abroad, notably in France where she stayed several times as an artist in residence. Her works are part of private and public collections, such as Loto-Québec, Pratt and Whitney Canada and the National Library of France. She is also the recipient of numerous grants, including those awarded by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, as well as by the Canada Council for the Arts.

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Giuseppe Di Leo

Co-director, curator and artist participant in the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition

Giuseppe Di Leo is a visual artist of Italian origin based in Montréal. Throughout his career, Di Leo has specialized in drawing as his primary form of expression. Rich in figurative detail and attentive to narrative genres of myth and autobiography, Di Leo’s drawings have been presented in exhibitions held in cultural institutions in Canada, Italy, and Mexico. His work has been reviewed in various publications, and is featured in both museum and corporate collections, namely: Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Loto-Quebec, Canada Council Art Bank, Collection Prêts d'oeuvres d'arts du Musée du Québec.

Emy Gagnon Gélinas

Artist participant in the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition
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Emy Gagnon Gélinas is an interdisciplinary artist based in Montreal. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Concordia University, and as of the fall of 2022 she is pursuing a master’s degree at UQAM. Her work has been featured in numerous group exhibitions and publications.  She also had a solo exhibition at the Cégep du Vieux Montréal, entitled Fil Conducteur. During her studies, she has experimented with a wide variety of techniques and materials that have shaped her creative process. Her principle interests lie in sculpture, drawing and installation.

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Véronique La Perrière M

Artist participant in the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition

Véronique La Perrière M is a multidisciplinary artist living and working between Montreal and Val-David, Québec. Her artwork has been presented both in Canada and internationally, including the United States, Australia, Luxembourg, France, Sweden and Finland. She holds an MFA from Université du Québec à Montréal and an interdisciplinary PhD from Concordia University. In 2020, her work was the subject of a monograph, Mirror, Metamorphosis and Time in Reverse, published by Éditions SAGAMIE. Her work is included in several collections across Europe and North America.

Victoria LeBlanc

Editor and author of the introductory essay for the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition catalogue
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As artist, writer, curator and teacher, Victoria LeBlanc has worked in the cultural community for over four decades. Former Director of the Visual Arts Centre and McClure Gallery (1996-2017). Curator of Westmount’s Municipal Gallery from 1999 to 2022. Contributor to over 50 publications on contemporary Canadian artists. As a visual artist, she has participated in solo and group exhibitions across Canada. Her work can be found in corporate and private collections in Canada and the U.S. Her creative practice is inflected by an ekphrastic impulse: a dialogue between drawing/painting and writing. She is the author of Hold (2019) and Clay Roots, the Potters’ Club and its legacy at the Visual Arts Centre (2021). Forthcoming, Small Territories and Mudlark, a series of meditations in paint and words on a ‘path by a river’.

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Alexander MacSween

Composer of the soundtrack accompanying the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition

Alexander MacSween has navigated many musical genres and participated in numerous dance, theatre and film projects. A composer, sound designer and multi-instrumentalist, he is a frequent collaborator of theatre artist, Marie Brassard, and poet, Fortner Anderson, and has played with several groups, including Bionic, Detention, The Nils and Martin Tétreault’s Turntable Quartet. He creates solo musical performances and sound installations, and also teaches, giving workshops in live sound processing for the performing arts in diverse institutions around the world and teaching sound design at UQAM’s École Supérieure de Théâtre, in Montreal, where he lives.

Frank Mulvey

Co-director, curator and artist participant in the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition
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Frank Mulvey is a Montreal artist who is best known for producing charcoal drawings of imaginary and shadowy architectural settings. Mulvey’s characteristic steel-framed black and white works are represented in the collections of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, the Canada Council Art Bank, the Ministère des affaires extérieures (Ottawa), as well as numerous corporate and private collections. He has been honoured with awards and grants from the Ministère des affaires culturelles du Québec and The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation.

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Francesca Penserini

Artist participant in the Éphémères imaginaires exhibition

Of Italian descent, Francesca Penserini lives and works in Montreal. After graduating from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, she pursued master’s studies in Florence and Chicago.  As part of the generation that contributed to the development of artist-run centres, Francesca is an active member of CIRCA Art Actuel and L’Imprimerie, centre d’artistes. She taught Studio and Digital Arts at Champlain College Saint-Lambert from 1990 to 2021. Intimately connected to nature, the works of Francesca Penserini address issues of the ephemeral, the cycle of life, time’s passage and its erosive imprint on being and objects.

Copyright notice:

All the artworks are copyrighted by the individual artists who created them, except where indicated. Sharing images is permitted (but no remixing, transforming or building upon, and not for commercial use) according to Creative Commons licensing agreement (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Éphémères imaginaires website design by Nalo Bruce.

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